
New in Leipzig and no accommodation yet?

Despite the tense housing market, Studentenwerk Leipzig recommends—particularly to freshers—to apply for a room in a student hall of residence.

The winter semester is about to start and many students and freshers are house hunting in Leipzig. We notice that too: The allocation of rooms is getting into top gear. Momentarily, we cannot provide specific information on vacant rooms, however, we recommend interested persons to apply online.

“We notice that many are not even applying because they think we do not have any vacant rooms left in our student halls,” Nora Müller, head of Student Housing at Studentenwerk Leipzig, explains. As a matter of fact, turning down students because of missing room capacities is rare. Müller has another tipp for house hunting students: “It may happen that the room offered to students is not in their preferred student hall of residence. We recommend accepting the offer anyways and to apply for a room in their favored student hall at some point in the future.”

Applying for room in our student halls of residence is only possible with a (provisional) valid certificate of enrolment from a university/academy. Since applications are processed by date of receipt, we recommend applying for a room on our online portal as soon as possible after receiving the mentioned document.

Of course,some of our student halls that are located close to the city center have a higher demand, e.g. the student halls close to Bayerischer Bahnhof or facilities in the area of Straße des 18. Oktober. Studentenwerk Leipzig is aiming to avoid waiting lists while looking after the students wishes at the same time: In the online application form you can choose up to three preferred student halls of residence. We recommend selecting halls in different areas.

Students in difficult life situations will receive support as well: We have accessible rooms and apartments particularly for students with child. In order to find offers that match individual needs, students should refer directly to Studentenwerk Leipzig's Social Counselling department.

Eligible to apply for a room in our student halls of residence are students enrolled at one of the following universities/academies (covered by Studentenwerk Leipzig):



